Meet Michelle

Michelle's Profile Picture


I'm so glad you're here. 

I am...

a German American from the Pacific Northwest

an avid cyclist, commuting and touring at home and abroad

a budding herbalist, learning from the plants as I grow them

a lover of books, international cuisine, animals, and local live music

a dancer, both in public and on the wonderfully slick floors of my kitchen

a brain cancer survivor, who knows nutrition can't be an afterthought

I turned to nutrition after my cancer diagnosis.

Friends who saw my active lifestyle and unique diet (due to food allergies) thought I was "the healthiest person they knew" and were as shocked and confused as I was.

At my consult, I asked the oncologist what else I could be doing. The only advice I received was to “eat more protein” in the form of red meat and protein powders, and "don't lose weight."

I knew in my bones that this was wrong.

There HAD to be more to it.

While I was in treatment, I went back to school to study nutrition. As I learned, I made changes to my diet and habits. Not only did my health improve, but the health of the people around me who were curious and receptive to the information. 

It has been a long road, but as I write this, I am free of disease. 

Nutrition has the power to make BIG changes. 

Digestive issues, hormone imbalances, heartburn, fatigue, headaches, autoimmunity, etc. are not normal.

These issues may have become your norm, but they are not things you just have to live with. One issue becomes two, because it is all connected.

Life just opens up when you feel better! Let's work on it together. 


Western Washington University Logo

BA German Language and Literature

TESOL Teaching Certificate

Western Washington University

Nutritional Therapy Association Logo

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP)

Certification #8005

Nutritional Therapy Association

Oncology Nutrition Institute Logo

Oncology Nutrition Consultant (ONC)*

*In progress, expected graduation: November 2024

Oncology Nutrition Institute

Core Values

Personalized nutrition plans


Doing something positive for your health shouldn't add stress. Protocols have clear, manageable steps with colorful and easy to use handouts.



I am a NTP, not a medical doctor. I will only give evidence-based recommendations in which I can be confident, and that fall within my scope of practice. I will recommend other physical and mental health providers for services out of my scope.

Offering Support

Follow through

It is my aim to provide materials and communicate in a timely manner. Most people need check ins and support, and I will do my best to be available during business hours.

Nutrition Research

Lifelong learning

No person can know everything at all times. The medical field simply has too many contributors and studies for that to be realistic. But if I don't have the answer to your question, it's time to do some research. I won't just shrug and call you a mystery. Who is that helping?