What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapy is a science-based, holistic approach to health that respects the bio-individuality of each person, and uses food and lifestyle changes as medicine. By evaluating underlying nutritional needs and imbalances, and asking deeper questions, we address the root cause. And odds are, nutrition will make a difference.

We use whole food nutrition (and supplements, if needed) to address the foundations of health, correct any imbalances and assist your body's natural healing process to help you achieve optimal, long-term health.

Nutritional therapy is not a one size fits all approach like many dieting and weight loss programs. Instead it is tailored to your bio-individual needs and created with your health history, lifestyle, goals, and age in mind. You will be provided resources that are best for you as an individual, to create sustainable lifelong change. 

Nutritional therapy starts with deep analysis of your:

What will you learn?

You’ll learn how to make informed choices about food (intake, quality, and timing) and supplements based on the needs of your specific body, improve your energy and overall health, and avoid environmental toxins. This is the health education you needed in school, but never got. My goal is to remove the confusion and overwhelm, and support and teach you until you don't need me anymore. 

Please note: NTPs are not trained to diagnose or treat disease, illness or injury.

What is the Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ)?

The NAQ is a detailed questionnaire assessing over 300 signs and symptoms to identify potential nutritional deficiencies, imbalances in the body, and which organs or systems need the most attention from a nutritional perspective. The patterns that emerge from the questionnaire can help give important insight.

Nutritional Therapy Questionnaire (NAQ)

What does the process look like?

The first step is for you to book a Discovery Call with me to discuss your situation and get to know each other. This is a quick 15 minute video call through the Practice Better portal or over Zoom, that helps us both to decide if we'd be a good fit.

Next you will purchase a package and schedule your New Client Session

You will be sent a few things through my client portal on Practice Better: 

*These must be completed at least 72 hours before your session.*

You will log everything you eat and drink, supplements and medications, movement/exercise, moods, digestive symptoms and BMs. This is incredibly helpful in identifying patterns, forming a "whole person understanding" of you, and increasing awareness of your habits. 

During our first session I will learn more about your goals and habits, ask many clarifying questions raised by your NAQ results, intake form, and food & mood journal. This will likely be a far more in depth health analysis than you've experienced with other medical professionals. I can also connect you to lab or genetic testing, if desired or we decide together that it is necessary. 

We will assess your diet and lifestyle choices that are going well, and where we could make improvements. The goal is get a holistic view of your past and present health so we can create a bioindividual action plan. We will discuss and agree upon your next steps together and I will do any additional research to get clarity about your case. You will receive your written protocol within 3 business days. (nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations)

We will use follow-up appointments to assess your progress and make any necessary protocol updates or adjustments. 

During nutritional therapy, you should expect to be diligent and invested in the process for minimum of 3 months. This is not a quick fix. Some people start feeling better right away, but please realize it likely took years for your body to develop the issues you are experiencing. It will take patience and determination to help your body heal. Just know the rewards are incredible and your wellness is worth it! I typically see clients every 3-4 weeks.

**Between appointments: While you are my client you have access to me via email or the client portal on Practice Better. You will receive a response within 3 business days. Business hours are Monday - Friday,  11am - 5pm Pacific Time. I am also happy to point you in the direction of helpful resources for recipes, meal planning, etc. Phone calls and personalized daily meal plans are not included.

What is your philosophy? 

I really get to know you and listen to your story. Gathering all this information allows us to connect the dots. Most symptoms have a pattern, but Western Medicine isn't taking the time or asking the right questions. 

Some people tell me that they’re too far gone for nutrition to help them. That genetics are a curse, and they are destined to get x, y, z. But really, genetics and patterns can teach us how to take care of ourselves. 

Let me ask you this:

If your dad, sister, cousin, grandpa had known about the needs of their specific body, would that have affected their overall health? Would they have made different choices? Avoided disease or discomfort? The numbers don't lie. As a species, we are getting sicker. But it's not too late to improve things.

You can't just take a pill. 

Healing your body takes time, but it is the only one you will ever have. I love simplicity, but we don’t do quick fixes here. Quick fixes = delayed recovery, side effects, and buying twice (three times, four times, etc.) 

Some symptoms can improve within a few weeks, others can take a year. (This is how long it took for my own deeply damaged stomach and intestinal lining to fully heal.) This does not mean that we have to meet every 3-4 weeks for a year to see any improvement, but it means that you should expect this to be a process. Change and the formation of new habits takes time, but this is how they become permanent. 

I always focus on food first, and if we need to, I bring in personalized, affordable, and high quality supplements. My goal is to remove the confusion and overwhelm, and support and teach you until you don't need me anymore. 

I'm not the "pizza police."

No one is perfect. Improving your health doesn't mean that you never have indulgent foods ever again. There are times when "near-perfect" nutrition is needed, i.e.: an elimination diet to heal your gut, or a therapeutic diet for a specific condition. However, if we have determined what foods and routines work for you, it's okay to use the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time you are following the guidelines that you know make you feel best. 20% of the time, you let yourself enjoy pizza or a sugary cocktail. I didn't study nutrition so I could police people's food. I am here to teach you what you didn't learn in school, so you can make informed decisions. When you know how to keep yourself healthy, life simplifies.


What do I bring to my appointment?

You are welcome to bring paper and a pen to take notes, or you can take notes digitally. I will provide an after visit summary so you will not miss anything if you decide not to take notes yourself.

Do I need to come in for my appointment?

I am located in Portland, Oregon, but all appointments are virtual using video and take place through the Practice Better client portal. You will receive a link to join the meeting and reminders via text and email according to your preferences. 

As an NTP, I am able to work with clients in most states and countries. See below for more information.

Do you accept insurance?

Nutritional therapy is not currently covered by insurance.

Can you work with clients in every state/country?

My practice can provide services to clients located in:  HI, AK, WA, OR, CA, ID, UT, NV, AZ, WY, CO, NE, OK, TX, AR, LA, MI, WI, MS, IN, KY, FL, NY, NJ, VA, NC, SC, PA, CT, MA, NH, ME. Contact me if you are located outside the US and I'll see if we can work together.